Comes with all 3 color Sweaters (Black, Blood Red & Deep Purple) and the Black Suspender Skirt.
You'll get many, many layers of the clothing as well as Lolas Tango & Phat Azz APPLIERS!!!!
YAY!! Come in today and join our group and get yours!
If you join, you'll not only get periodic group gifts, but you'll also have a chance at becoming a random gift winner! Whenever, just at random.. I pick a member of the group to win a prize! Sometimes it's the newest release in one color or I've even given out fatpacks!! Sometimes it's an older item.. sometimes I call for the first person to teleport in and they win whatever prize I am giving away that day! It's random.. it's fun... and all you have to do is keep TOUCH MIA visible in your profile. You simply can NOT lose by becoming a TOUCH MIA group member!!!